
Want to hop on a journey to create an eco-friendly, cradle-to-cradle, materials science innovation platform to deliver either: polymers from CO₂ via an electrocatalyst, efuels, rGO-heterocomposite supercapacitors, or hard tech utilizing graphene oxide or similar hybridized 2D material? Years from now the platform will deliver all of the above. For the sustainable fuels/polymers the go-to-market strategy is to buy two times the DAC-sourced carbon, pay for one times the carbon to be mineralized into durable mineralized carbon, and use the remainder for product feedstock. Geek out on quantum chemistry, nanoelectronics, nano carbons, phonons, and dynamic systems or 2D materials manufacture, e.g., process engineering, nanomaterial science, Shannon is looking for a co-founder(s) to bring these dreams to reality, email: shannon at

Or, if you currently use graphene or are working with Bio-tech, contact Shannon, as she's looking for future customers.

Why is carbon relevant?

Since 1750 we've emitted 2.6 terra tonnes of carbon dioxide by weight from human-caused emissions, which is causing the temperature increase over the preindustrial to just shy of 1.5ºC.

Once current emissions are phased out to the smallest net zero via switching the majority of energy to Renewable Energy, electrifying transport and industry, and building climatics, carbon dioxide removal is the only known set of pathways to remove carbon from the carbon cycle with the ultimate goal of lowering global temperature.

Autofracture & Carbon

From a commercial standpoint, to maximize the possibility of creating leading-edge products with high commercial value and utilize as much carbon as possible, we must build products from solid carbon-based materials, such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and fullerenes, and lower the price to manufacture such goods such that there is an economic incentive to create products from these materials.

Humans could build and scale a portfolio of carbon removal and nature-based solutions to remove the historical carbon burden. Carbon utilization is a valid set of pathways within the broader carbon removal portfolio. By utilizing carbon from an atmospheric source, we'll be able to further reuse solid carbon thus keeping it from the carbon cycle, and more efficiently supply consumer goods with nearly unlimited, highly recyclable material.